Wednesday, April 12, 2006

You know the annoying thing is

that any song could take over at any time and go unrecorded on here. I just happened to be checking my emails when suddenly the brass kicks in and Natalie Merchant growls over the top and low and behold one of the worst 10,000 Maniacs songs (and face it, there were loads of poor 10,000 Maniacs songs) transforms into the best song ever.
I give you Candy Everybody Wants (at least I have a rough idea it may be called something approximately close to it, if I wasn't so certain that I'll want to kill it in thirteen and a half minutes I'd try and check).
If I can ever remember what the songs are when I'm not on line I'll post them up but that would go against the grain of the whole disposable nature of the genre.

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