Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Really, it's about time I went to bed. Or read a book. Or did anything other than this.

Slight variation on a theme. Found this on another blog (a good one too but forgot to note the bloody address down) put up by someone with the balls to go pop crazy and proper pop too. I thought I'd have a pop (do you see what I did there?) at rustling up a few of my favourite albums and covers. So, for the next fifteen minutes, these are the greatest albums ever.

Create your own Music List @ HotFreeLayouts!


H said...

Hurrah, this album montage thing seems to be spreading like wildfire and why not? Many thanks for the info regarding WigWam, I've been aware of them for a while because Popjustice have been hawking them for a while but it's taken me a while to fully appreciate the magic formula of Betty Boo + Alex James. Also, you're absolutely right, people should definately abandon any shame whatsoever about their true musical tastes (God knows I have...) H xxx ps. yay Duran Duran! I've been going through a Duran Duran phase this week. In my imagination, they fathered Girls Aloud with the Shangri-Las. But, you know, not in that way.

Lizzie said...

I dig it.